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The forklift tire is the final part of the power transmission system from the engine and it is responsible for the important task of moving and using the forklift, so choosing the right forklift tire and trying to maintain it will be one of the most important factors for its performance.

Unlike car tires, the range of forklift tires is not only for moving the device in the factory or warehouses, but choosing a suitable tire for the forklift can guarantee the stability, strength and safety of the device and the load.

Forklift tires are generally divided into two categories.

  • Pneumatic tires are divided into radial and bias.
  • Non-air tires which are divided into two solid categories (SOLID and Polyurethane)

Forklift tire price

The price of different types of forklift depends on the type of forklift and its efficiency.

First, we need to know the forklift and its working environment so that we can have an accurate estimate of the price of forklift tires.

  • The price difference of forklift tires can be due to the following reasons
  • Difference in size or efficiency, whether the forklift tires are plump or inflated,
  • Tyre structure, either thread (bias) or wire (radial)
  • Tubeless or inflatable tire,
  • Type of tube and band around its ring, rim (rim width) and type of rubber in forklift tires,
  • Using kenaf, thread or nylon in forklift tires

Therefore, all these cases cause the price of forklift tires to change.

Some use forklifts in smelting industries, and some use them for moving small and low-risk equipment. The tires used for forklifts in smelting and iron industries must have a more absorbent structure, higher temperature tolerance, and resistance to splashing of molten materials. on the surface of forklift tires, but forklift tires for warehouses, including food and pharmaceutical industries warehouses, must have a clean structure, without deposits and leaving traces and rubber gas production.

The use of pure rubber in the smelting industry is not profitable, and the use of solid rubber for the smelting industry in the food industry and pharmaceutical warehouses can be problematic.

Forklift solid tire has a higher price than forklift pneumatic tires due to its manufacturing technology, type of use, and other such things.

Arman Eugene Sepahan Company through direct communication with reputable manufacturers in the world, imports pneumatic and solid forklift tires and distributes them for use Dear customers and factories.